1. Pass your line through the float stopper, chemical light holder (if required) and float, then tie onto a swivel.
2. Attach pre-made rig onto swivel.
3. Insert plug into float stopper at required setting for depth control.
Handy hints:
1. Use a snap swivel so that rigs can be easily changed.
2. To adjust depth simply remove plug, adjust float and stopper, then reinsert plug.
Neptune Ball Float - Large
2 Bonus accessories included:
Float Stopper
Light Stick
Rigging instructions included
1. Pass your line through the float stopper, chemical light holder (if required) and float, then tie onto a swivel.
2. Attach pre-made rig onto swivel.
3. Insert plug into float stopper at required setting for depth control.
Handy hints:
1. Use a snap swivel so that rigs can be easily changed.
2. To adjust depth simply remove plug, adjust float and stopper, then reinsert plug.
Diameter of Ball Float: 50mm
Neptune Ball Float - Large, fishing float, casting float, round float, foamies, nacsan, NAC-FABL,