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Kilwell Pack Away 768 #4/5 Fly/Spin Rod


$99.00 $89.00 Save $10.00 GST Incl - NZ purchases only
Kilwell Pack Away 768 #4/5 Fly/Spin Rod

Kilwell 7'6" 8 piece Packaway Fly or Spin rod.
Simply reverse the butt section around to change between a fly rod or a spin rod.
Perfect rod for backpacking into the hills when weight and space are paramount.

Kilwell have hand made fly rods and sold flyfishing tackle since the company began in the 1930's.
While we make and distribute tackle for most every sportfishing situation, you could say that flyfishing is our passion.
Being situated at Rotorua in the central North Island of New Zealand helps too.... because when we've finished rolling blanks, turning corks or putting the finishing touches on your rod, you'll find us on local waters.

Back in the 1970's New Zealand anglers were introduced to 'graphite' for the first time ever by Kilwell.
Graphite rods were a state of the art leap forward from Fibreglass materials that dominated the market at the time. Today, although modern materials and designs have continued to develop, we still receive many requests for New Zealand's Original graphite rod - the Kilwell 9089 and 9067.
Dependable, affordable rods that have stood the test of time.

Kilwell Pack Away 768 #4/5 Fly/Spin Rod FEATURES:
Smooth mid-flex action
Ceramic and wire guides
Quality cork grip
locking alloy reel seat
Reversible butt
Protective rod bag  

Kilwell Pack Away 768 #4/5 Fly/Spin Rod SPEC's:
  • Manufacturer: Kilwell
  • Model: Original - KPA2298FS
  • Fly Line Weight: 4/5
  • Spin cast weight; 3-15gm
  • Pieces: 8
  • Length: 7'6"
  • Grip: reversible Spin or Fly

Kilwell Pack Away 768 #4/5 Fly/Spin Rod , fly rod, kilwell, trout rod, kilwell fly rod, travel fly rod, pack away, 5 weight fly rod, KW-KPA2298FS,

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