A later pattern emerging from Halfback Nymph. Same peacock herl body, weighted. Tail is two brown goose biot and two white goose biot tied on top flowing back from the head. Available in hook sizes A10, A12 and A14.
Black Magic Prince Nymph #14 Fly Spec's:
Manufacturer: Black Magic Tackle (NZ)
Style: Nymph
Fly Name: Prince Nymph
Hook Size: #A14
Black Magic Prince Nymph #14, trout fly, fly, flies, trout fishing, nymph, prince nymph, PNYM#14,
Prince #14 - Nymph
A later pattern emerging from Halfback Nymph. Same peacock herl body, weighted. Tail is two brown goose biot and two white goose biot tied on top flowing back from the head. Available in hook sizes A10, A12 and A14.
Black Magic Prince Nymph #14 Fly Spec's:
Black Magic Prince Nymph #14, trout fly, fly, flies, trout fishing, nymph, prince nymph, PNYM#14,